7TV and the world of Cult TV fascinates me, especially all of those wonderful TV shows I would watch as a kid (either from atop, or behind, the settee). Add to that a sprinkling of James Bondian-esque miniatures, and I was hooked on my first read-through.
Much to my delight, I realised I could put on a decent game with impressive scenery without having to break all that much new ground. I have a 28mm space station in storage, I have forces for the extras on both sides. All I needed was Melody Lake, Professor Kneale and Brock, er, Jock Hampson for the A.R.C. (Albion Rocket Consortium) side, and the Guru and Kali on the S.H.I.V.A. (Bad Guys) side.
One minor issue I had was ordering from Crooked Dice, as the "Guru", in his classic suit, was listed as Out of Stock. I understand they have recently had to move to new digs. That said, OOS does not help your business, as purchasers will go elsewhere for the product. Miniature gamers want what they want when they want it - based on current market models, only 20% of your customers are willing to wait.
Pictured here is my first painted mini for 7TV - Melody Lake in her scarlet space suit. She is accompanied by her A.R.C. supporting cast, also in space suits. Ms. Lake is a Denizen miniature (SF38) - she was already primed and waiting to be painted. The supporting lads from A.R.C. were painted about 10 year's ago for a Traveller game - it's interesting to see how my painting style has improved (IMO) since then.
Denizen 25's are a breeze to paint. Time and funds permitting, I hope to purchase the Melody Lake from Crooked Dice, along with some other of their exceptional miniatures, in the not-too-distant future...Ω
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